Nourish the body. Nourish the mind. Nourish the soul.

About Me
Hello, my name is Lois Tirrell and I am a registered dietitian based in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Nutrition and health has always been a huge passion in my life and I have always enjoyed working with people so a career in dietetics was a perfect choice for me.
I studied Nutrition and Dietetics at London Metropolitan University and carried out clinical placements in hospitals across London including Imperial College NHS Trust and Barnet and Chase farm hospitals. After graduating with a first class honours degree I worked with the gastroenterology team at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge where I gained further knowledge in a variety of nutrition related digestive conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohns disease, Colitis, Coeliac disease, Constipation, Iron Deficiency Anaemia, Food Intolerance and Food Allergy. In addition I expanded my experience of advising clients on a wide range of nutritional issues such as Weight Management, Diabetes, Nutrition Support, and Cardiovascular Disease.

Weight Loss Hertfordshire
​I am pleased to share that I am the Consultant Dietitian for Weight Loss Hertfordshire, a company that offers a comprehensive multidisciplinary weight loss programme which includes medical, nutritional, cognitive and movement options for weight management. The landscape for medicated weight management is rapidly changing and we believe that a collaborative approach is crucial for sustainable success. Combining nutrition education and psychological support alongside our medical consultant, addresses both dietary habits and emotional factors.
This holistic strategy enhances treatment efficacy, empowering individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles and achieve lasting weight loss, ultimately leading to improved health and well-being.
To learn more please visit our website here:

I currently practice as a private registered dietitian providing a range of services to a diverse client base. I conduct 1:1 dietetic and nutrition consultations which give me the opportunity to work with clients with a range of nutritional related conditions. I get great satisfaction in seeing the people I treat manage their symptoms and improve their health based on the nutritional advice I provide. My role also allows me to present information, run education sessions, and hold workshops in a variety of environments. I’m currently part of team for a private course on the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes titled ‘Thrive’. We have run four 12-week courses and have had amazing success so far. The achievements of the participants have been astounding. To learn more about this course please visit our website Thrive. I have also had the experience of working as a freelance consultant dietitian for research projects which has been both interesting and highly rewarding.
I am registered with the Health & Care Professions Council and I am a full member of the British Dietetic Association.

A holistic approach
I pride myself in taking a holistic and compassionate approach with clients, providing realistic, individualised dietary advice to optimise their wellbeing through nutrition.
This perspective considers the individual as a whole, addressing not only dietary habits but also lifestyle factors, emotional well being, and environmental influences. By understanding each client's unique circumstances and health concerns I can tailor personalised plans that resonate with their specific needs and goals.
What is a dietitian?
Registered dietitians are qualified health professionals that interpret the science of nutrition to improve health and treat disease by educating and giving practical advice at an individual and wider public health level.
Dietitians assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition related conditions using the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease, which they translate into practical guidance to enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.

Dietitians are statutorily regulated by the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) with a protected title and governed by an ethical code, to ensure that they always work to the highest standard. This means that in order to be called a Dietitian, the person must have completed at least an Honours Undergraduate Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics as well as having undergone an extensive clinical placement. You can check my registration by clicking on the link below.

Trust a dietitian to know about nutrition
Choosing the right person to seek help and advice from can sometimes be a confusing task. Many people claim to be experts in nutrition yet have very limited knowledge and experience and offer no protection to the public.
Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals to be regulated by law and are therefore the most credible source of food and nutrition advice. You can trust a dietitian to know about nutrition. For more information please visit the BDA website by clicking on the link below.